Your donations power Fopnu Development!

Fopnu is an extremely complex project, with well over 132,000 lines of dense C++ code, and is the responsibility of an independent developer. Fopnu is absolutely FREE to everyone, with no malware, mining, or scams, unlike many others.

However, producing a major app is an expensive and time-consuming task. Fopnu took well over 5 years and many thousands of development hours to make it to this point.

Here's how you can give something back and help make sure development continues:
  • Contributions are accepted via any major credit-card using PayPal Secure Payments or Patreon
  • Send some crypto-currency to help cover hosting and bandwidth expenses.  All our addresses are at the bottom of this page.
  • Most importantly, please spread the word, tell your friends about our software.

Thanks for using Fopnu!

Bitcoin   19u1s1ed8m1fhXrWFmA3BQrYkZ5efZXLYH
BitcoinCash   1KL84YKmDWyDxz3motFjFzVKuqp7onmCiR
Zcash   t1e6HTAh58GyDLAqrPvLdDERe6aGQGuXm6G
Litecoin   LSRZnXwRbNcj5evV8Ne4ysphPPH6RxUo1y
Ripple   ra6CYeGqvcLavF97z9S2fbxnUFMFkziRY8
Monero   48mqi1ev7uM5aupKBNfHoG1SwMERZAH8S5Un7opERG2BT6DuWoimfCsLiEU68E4XcJY3r8cRYyHRa69o3FFnThP45gKZnHv
Dogecoin   DCAat7hwG5GZUVaAdy9au7SyvMhvac4ybC
Patreon   Any easy way to provide ongoing funding, for as little as $1 per month.
PayPal Secure Payments   Quick and easy, any credit card accepted, no PayPal account needed